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Compare Piiano Vault editions

Vault is self-hosted within your own environment. Your data, in your control, performant and secure. Piiano cannot access your data.

There is no charge for using Vault for non-production activities.

Vault is a container-based software solution that can be deployed anywhere, from public clouds to on-prem. For example, Vault can be deployed on native Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform CloudRun, and AWS Elastic Container Service. Talk to us about your deployment needs.

Vault keeps its data encrypted in PostgreSQL and manages master keys through the cloud provider's KMS. Support for the public cloud starts with AWS, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Azure.

Vault comes in these editions, for various environments and purposes:

EditionUse casesEnvironmentFor production environments
Vault Dev1) Local development
2) Testing
3) CI/CD
One container running Vault with an embedded database
Vault Server1) Serverless
2) When tightly integrated with your infrastructure
3) On-prem
One container running Vault, working with an external database
You can run multiple instances of the container
Vault ServerXFor maximum scalability and when network segregation is requiredMultiple containers running Vault, working with an external database
You can run multiple instances of each container, each configured with the desired component by PVAULT_SERVICE_COMPONENTS