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Product roadmap

Piiano Vault product roadmap. Get prepared for future changes to Piiano Vault.

These features are planned for future versions of Vault but are subject to change and shift based on feedback from customers and developers.

For our next releases, we plan to add:

Near term – the next 6 months

  • Import/export of tokens
  • Reduce Vault's object storage footprint significantly
  • Piiano SaaS business dashboards
  • BYOK – bring your own encryption key
  • Vault SaaS improved SLAs

Mid term – within a year

  • Substring queries on encrypted data
  • Support for semi-structured data
  • Self-service security configurations in the Vault SaaS
  • Encryption with a per-user key
  • IAM simplification

Long term

  • Data versioning
  • Support for unstructured data
  • Secure enclaves
  • Synthetic data for staging and testing environments

Let us know what you think or if you have any additional ideas or comments, email us

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