REST API error codes
The Piiano Vault REST API has error codes for every error condition. These codes are returned as part of the error message from the REST API and are written to the logs.
Vault error codes
This table contains all the error codes returned by the Vault REST API. Let us know if you require further details or clarifications for an error code.
Code | Details |
PV1000 | Server error. Vault logs may indicate the source of the issue. Contact Piiano if the problem persists. With the default configuration, these errors are sent to Piiano for investigation. |
PV1001 | Access reason must be provided as a query parameter unless the environment variable PVAULT_SERVICE_FORCE_ACCESS_REASON is set to false . |
PV1002 | The access reason is invalid. Follow these guidelines on how to set the access reason. |
PV1003 | The feature is disabled. |
PV1004 | The collection doesn't exist or the caller has insufficient permissions to view the collection. |
PV1005/PV1006/PV1007 | To debug authorization failures use pvault iam resource-view and pvault iam user-view . To identify if your token has expired, run pvault iam get-user . For JWT related errors, see JWT specific error messages. |
PV1008 | The collection name is invalid. Follow the naming conventions for entities. |
PV1009 | The operation timed out. There is a built-in timeout of 30 seconds for every API call. For object operations, check for missing indices in your pvschema . For token operations, check whether you are trying to retrieve too many tokens in one operation. |
PV1010 | Vault can't connect to its database. Inspect your database configuration. Unless you are running stateless mode, Vault can not function without a reliable database connection. |
PV1011 | You can enable and disable users as part of the IAM configuration. Once disabled you can not initial calls for this user. |
PV1012 | The request could be invalid if it does not comply with the OpenAPI specification. The error context should contain details of the offending field. |
PV1013 | Your license has expired. If you are a paying customer, contact Piiano. Anyone can get a free 7-day trial license from the get started section of the Piiano documentation. |
PV1014 | More than one caller attempted to access the same resource as updaters, resulting in a potential conflict. For example, trying to update the same object twice from two callers in parallel. |
PV1015 | Due to caching of the collection schema, subsequent deletion of a collection and access to it from different threads may return this error. |
PV1025 | Supported content-types are: application/json and in specific calls that support it: application/toml and application/pvschema . |
PV1026 | Stateless mode only supports some operations. Did you intend on running stateless mode? Check the stateless mode guide for more information. |
PV1027 | Javascript is enabled by default. Check if you disabled it using the environment variable PVAULT_FEATURES_DISABLE_JAVASCRIPT . |
PV1028 | You can not dynamically modify the IAM when it is configured to load at startup with the environment variable PVAULT_SERVICE_SET_IAM_ON_START_ONLY . |
PV1029 | This error can occur in an AWS environment where the authentication session to the KMS has expired. Check the Vault's AWS role and IAM permissions to access the KMS. |
PV1030 | The request contains an invalid UTF-8 sequence. |
PV1031 | The size of a property being indexed exceeds the maximum allowed size for an index entry in PostgreSQL. Either remove an INDEX from your schema or contact us to work around this issue |
PV1032 | Conflict with another concurrent operation to the same resource. This can happen if you try to update the same piece of data from two different threads in parallel. |
PV1034 | A collection being accessed is unavailable. It could occur when using multiple Vault instances, deleting a collection from one instance, and trying to access it from another instance in parallel (or before the cache is synced - up to 30 seconds). |
PV1036 | The tenant isolation enforcement rule evaluation failed, and therefore the request was rejected. |
PV1037 | The action is not found. |
PV1038 | A request sent from a browser was rejected due to your CORS policy. You need to configure the PVAULT_SERVICE_ALLOW_ORIGINS to allow the origins creating these browser requests. |
PV1039 | The action role not in the IAM configuration. This error occurs if the PVAULT_SERVICE_ACTIONS_HTTP_CALL_ROLE environment variable is pointing to a non-existent IAM role. |
PV1040 | The request body is empty. |
PV1041 | The data type is unsupported. This error occurs if using file requests (e.g. get-object-by-id with the Accept header set to application/octet-stream ) but the data type is not BLOB or STRING based. |
Error codes related to control operations
Code | Details |
PV2001 | This operation is not implemented. For example, when calling with the wrong HTTP method, e.g., calling the version endpoint with the method PATCH instead of GET. |
PV2002 | Anti-tampering has been triggered. It could happen if you manually modified your database (which you should not) or restored the database from a snapshot that is incompatible with the Vault's version. See the anti tampering guide for more details. |
PV2003 | Some Vault instances are not synced. Try again in 30 seconds. Use the pvault system cluster-info CLI command to see the status of other Vault instances. See Cache refresh rate guide for more details. |
PV2004 | The property does not exist in the collection. |
PV2005 | The property name is invalid. For more information: Add collection property . |
PV2009 | The property name is not unique. There is already a property with the same name in the collection. |
PV2010 | The property's schema is invalid. it should comply with PVSchema format |
PV2012 | The property's data type is invalid. Property type is one of builtin data types or custom data types |
PV2013 | One or more fields is too long. For more information: Add collection property . |
PV2014 | One or more numeric fields is out of range |
PV2015 | The Admin user cannot be redefined. Admin user is predefined by Vault. |
PV2016 | No role is configured for the role name. |
PV2017 | User name was not found. Use Get IAM to list users. |
PV2020 | The IAM configuration is invalid. For more information How IAM works . |
PV2021 | Regenerating a key for Admin is not allowed. |
PV2022 | Configuration name is not supported. For more information: Set configuration variable . |
PV2023 | The URL property name: url_property_name and body property name: body_property_name don't match. |
PV2024 | The specified collection does not exist. Use List collections to check for existing collections. |
PV2026 | The collection name is invalid. For more information Add collection . |
PV2027 | Incorrect value type for configuration variable name. For more information: Set configuration variable . |
PV2028 | The collection is invalid. For more information: PVSchema format . |
PV2029 | The collection already exists. |
PV2030 | Failed to read one or more collections. |
PV2032 | A built-in property cannot be deleted. |
PV2033 | A built-in property cannot be added. |
PV2034 | A built-in property was provided with incorrect fields. |
PV2035 | Update collection name is not supported. For more information Update collection . |
PV2036 | Update collection type is not allowed. For more information Update collection . |
PV2037 | The collection's schema is invalid. For more information: PVSchema format . |
PV2038 | A non nullable property can't be added while the collection is not empty. |
PV2039 | The new bundle functions are not a superset of the current bundle functions. For more information Update bundle . |
PV2100 | Unsupported change to an existing property. For more information Update collection property . |
PV2101 | A built-in data type cannot be updated. |
PV2102 | A custom data type that is in use cannot be deleted. |
PV2104 | A JavaScript method failed to compile. For more information: Bundles . |
PV2105 | The name is in use. See Naming rules for more details. |
PV2106 | Failed to delete the bundle. |
PV2107 | Failed to find the bundle. Use List bundles to list existing bundles. |
PV2108 | The bundle name is invalid. For more information: Bundles . |
PV2109 | The bundle has no compliant function exports. For more information: Bundles . |
PV2110 | The bundle does not compile. For more information: Bundles . |
PV2111 | The bundle has no exports. For more information: Bundles . |
PV2112 | The bundle function is missing or does not compile. For more information: Bundles . |
PV2113 | Prototype is missing. For more information: Bundles . |
PV2114 | Handler is missing on prototype. For more information: Bundles . |
PV2115 | Handler is not a function. For more information: Bundles . |
PV2116 | Function has the incorrect number of arguments. For more information: Bundles . |
PV2117 | The data type name is invalid. For more information: Add data type . |
PV2119 | Failed to delete the data type. Use List data types to list existing data types. |
PV2120 | Failed to find the data type. Use List data types to list existing data types. |
PV2121 | The bundle was not found. Use List bundles to list existing bundles. |
PV2122 | The function is not exported by the bundle. Should be expored by the bundle. |
PV2123 | The base type of a data type must be a built-in type |
PV2124 | The bundle is in use by one or more data types or actions, and cannot be deleted. |
PV2125 | The bundle is in use by one or more collections and cannot be deleted. |
PV2126 | The default transformer is not in the transformers list. |
PV2127 | The license is invalid. Please contact support. |
PV2128 | The license is missing. License should be set via env var or Set license . |
PV2129 | The function name is invalid. For more information: Bundles . |
PV2130 | A built-in type cannot be deleted. |
PV2132 | Failed to update data type. |
PV2133 | The sum of the collection and one of its property names is too large. The length of the combination of both should not exceed 41. |
PV2134 | A collection-name_property-name combination is not unique. |
PV2135 | is_index and is_unique are not supported for this data type because its max length exceeds 2048. |
PV2136 | The property type is invalid. Property type is one of builtin data types or custom data types |
PV2137 | The Admin API key is too short. For more details Set Admin API key . |
PV2138 | The Admin API key is invalid. The new API key should be at least 15 characters long, and have a lowercase latin character, uppercase latinc character, and a digit. |
PV2139 | is_substring_index is not supported for this data type or configuration. See indexing in the data type reference for a list of supported data types. |
PV2140 | The data type is restricted in PCI. This error can occur if PCI restrictions are enabled. See the Accessing section of the PCI guide for more details. |
PV2141 | Deleting a built-in action is not allowed. |
PV2142 | Cannot create a user with the same name but different case. |
Error codes related to data operations
Code | Details |
PV3002 | One or more values is in a bad format. See data-type validations for more details. |
PV3003 | One or more values is invalid. This is most likely due usage of a wrong type for a property (e.g. an integer when expecting a string). See data-type for more details. |
PV3004 | Property does not exist. |
PV3005 | One or more Objects IDs are not found. |
PV3006 | One or more of the values provided to a unique property already exist. |
PV3009 | One or more token IDs not found. |
PV3010 | One or more columns does not exist. This is probably due to a change in schema using a Control operation. Please wait for the cache to refresh. |
PV3013 | One or more required fields is missing or null. |
PV3014 | One or more string values exceeded max length. |
PV3015 | One or more numeric values is out of range. |
PV3016 | Original property doesn't exist. |
PV3020 | Failed to parse object ID. |
PV3021 | Specify Props or Unsafe but not both. |
PV3022 | Specify one of Props or Unsafe. |
PV3023 | The specified collection does not exist. |
PV3024 | The collection name is invalid. |
PV3025 | The property name is invalid. |
PV3026 | Cannot set an owner for a PERSON object. |
PV3027 | Owner ID is invalid. |
PV3028 | Shouldn't provide _tenant_id when owner is specified. |
PV3029 | Must specify owner ID and owner collection or specify neither. |
PV3030 | Owner collection is not found. |
PV3031 | Owner ID is not found. |
PV3032 | Owner collection is not valid. |
PV3033 | DATA object owner can be PERSON object only. |
PV3034 | Non nullable property must not be null. |
PV3035 | The number of object IDs is greater than the maximum page size. |
PV3036 | ID must exist in update objects field. |
PV3037 | Invalid ID. |
PV3038 | The number of objects is greater than the maximum page size. |
PV3079 | Cannot add readonly properties. |
PV3081 | The query should not be empty. |
PV3084 | Property with transformation is not supported for query. |
PV3085 | Cannot update this property. |
PV3086 | The token is irreversible. |
PV3088 | Format preserve template does not exist. |
PV3089 | Format preserve template requires a different number of properties. |
PV3090 | Format preserve template requires property of a different type. |
PV3091 | Missing token query params. Use tags, token ID, or object ID. |
PV3092 | Missing token ID params. |
PV3093 | One or more token rotation parameters is invalid. |
PV3100 | A transformer is not found for the property. |
PV3101 | Extended property name invalid. Only a single dot is allowed in the property field: Either property_name or property_name.transformer_name is allowed. |
PV3203 | Too many tags provided. |
PV3204 | At least one update params required. |
PV3205 | Query param option show_builtins is only available if unsafe option is requested. |
PV3206 | Query param page_size exceeds the maximum value allowed. See api-pagination for more details. |
PV3207 | Query param option page_size is only available when IDs are not provided. |
PV3208 | Cannot create an object with an expiration duration of 0 seconds. |
PV3210 | Failed to parse the cursor. This error most likely to occur of the cursor used in the request is not the exact value returned by Vault in an earlier response. Check that the value provided in the cursor parameter matches Vault's previous response. |
PV3211 | The number of items requested exceeds the maximum value allowed |
PV3213 | Archived object's properties cannot be modified. You can only set its expiration to a new value. |
PV3214 | Archived tokens cannot be updated. You can only set its expiration to a new value. |
PV3215 | Archived tokens cannot be detokenized. Restore the token first to be able to detokenize it. See Object lifecycle for more details. |
PV3216 | Cannot tokenize an object with an expiration duration of 0 seconds. |
PV3217 | Custom validation failed. This means that the JS validator configured for your Data Type has returned a negative value. |
PV3219 | A runtime error occurred in a JavaScript method. |
PV3221 | Tokenize Blob data type is allowed only as type pointer . |
PV3222 | Token for the property does not exist. You can only use the Token transformation for already existing tokens. |
PV3223 | Rotating an irreversible token is not allowed. This error most likely to occur when trying to rotate a type pci_oneway token. See Token types for more details. |
PV3230 | Pointer token is only allowed on an existing or new object. When providing the input_object parameter, make sure to either use the id field, or other fields alongside store_object turned to "true". |
PV3231 | The requested property value was missing from the input object. Make sure that the props parameter is a subset of the input objet fields. |
PV3232 | Cannot tokenize an object with empty fields. This error occures when passing an empty fields in the input object parameter. |
PV3233 | The encrypted object is archived. This error most likely to occur if the encrypted object is archived, but the archived option is not set. See Decrypt for more details. |
PV3234 | Deterministic encryption with expiration is not allowed. |
PV3236 | Invalid ciphertext. This error most likely to occur if the ciphertext provided as an input, ether as part of an input object, or to operation like Decrypt, is invalid. Make sure to use the exact value you got from Vault as from an Encrypt operation. |
PV3237 | The encrypted object is active. This error most likely to occur if the encrypted object is active, but the archived option is set. See Decrypt for more details. |
PV3238 | Object ID is not allowed in stateless mode. Use other input options such as fields or ciphertext . |
PV3239 | Value is not a valid UUID. This error most likely to occur if a non UUID external object ID is provided when adding an object. See add-object for more details. |
PV3241 | The transaction ID is invalid. Valid values are of of length less than 256. |
PV3242 | The transaction ID is not found. |
PV3243 | Transaction ID already exists for the given collection and entity. |
PV3244 | Decryption parameter is invalid. This error most likely to occur if the provided ciphertext is not as returned from Vault, or the scope provided to the operation does not match the scope provided to Encrypt Make sure to use the exact value you got from Vault as from an Encrypt operation, and the same scope. |
PV3245 | The data type of the property is invalid. Use an existing Data type. |
PV3246 | The data type of the property is invalid because it uses JavaScript, which is disabled. See PVAULT_FEATURES_DISABLE_JAVASCRIPT configuration for more details. |
PV3247 | Tokenize request with store object request without input object fields. |
PV3248 | Invalid input object request index out of range. Make sure that request_index field of the object parameter is positive and not greater then the length of the array of objects. |
PV3249 | Invalid input object request index to itself. Make sure that request_index field of the object parameter points to a different object in the array, or use a different input such as id, fields, or ciphertext. |
PV3250 | Invalid input object request index to other index. Make sure that request_index field of the object parameter doesn't point the another object that uses request_index . |
PV3251 | Token tag is longer than 256. Use a shorter tag. |
PV3252 | Property with transformation is not supported for export. The export parameter is intended to be used by the CLI command pvault export. See Data import and export for a detailed guide about import-export. |
PV3254 | Export key set does not exist. This error most likely to occur if trying to export but neither PVAULT_KMS_EXPORT_URI nor PVAULT_KMS_EXPORT_SEED are not configured. See Export data for more details. |
PV3256 | Export key is invalid. This error most likely to occur if you use the export_key or import parameters manually. Those parameters are intended to be used by the CLI command pvault import. See Data import and export for a detailed guide about import-export. |
PV3257 | Query param export_key is only available if query param import is true. This error most likely to occur if you use the export_key or import parameters manually. Those parameters are intended to be used by the CLI command pvault import. See Data import and export for a detailed guide about import-export. |
PV3258 | Expecting values to be encrypted when export_key is provided. |
PV3259 | Unique tags violation. This means that some tags were provided, and marked as ensure_unique_tenant_tags , are not unique in the Tenant level as supposed to. |
PV3260 | Unique tags are not included in tags. Make sure that the ensure_unique_tenant_tags input is a subset of tags . See Tokenize body for more details. |
PV3261 | Tenant can't contains commas. See Tenant isolation header for more details about the format. |
PV3262 | Invalid action input. When using the http_call action, refer to http_call request body for more details. |
PV3263 | Action invocation failed with an error. When using the http_call action, refer to http_call request body for more details. |
PV3265 | Expiration exceeded for a field of a data type. This error can occur if PCI restrictions are enabled. See PCI - Property data types for more details. |
PV3266 | Provided token ID is invalid. See tokenize API (token_id input) for the constraints of this variable. |
PV3267 | Token ID cannot be provided if format preserving template is provided. |
PV3268 | Restricted data type for token type in PCI. This error can occur if PCI restrictions are enabled. See the Accessing section of the PCI guide for more details. |
PV3269 | Query with no values is not allowed. |
PV3270 | Token update failed. See update-tokens API for the constraints that may fail this operation. |
PV3271 | Enforcement is not supported for this endpoint. See Namespace claims for JWT tokens for more details. |
PV3272 | Enforcement does not support the data type. See Namespace claims for JWT tokens for more details. |
PV3273 | The property is not substring indexed. See Substring Search for more details. |
PV3274 | The collection is not synced to the substring cache. Wait for the next sync. The refresh interval is configured by environment variable PVAULT_SERVICE_SUBSTRING_INDEX_REFRESH_INTERVAL . |
PV3275 | The substring query pattern is too short. Must have at least 2 trigrams. See Search Patterns for more details. |
PV3276 | Token export failed. |
PV3277 | Token import failed. |
PV3278 | Invalid input: The prop query parameter is required when sending a raw body, such as with update-object-by-id with Content-Type application/octet-stream . |
PV3279 | Invalid input: The prop query parameter is not allowed when sending JSON body. This applies to the add-object API. |
PV3280 | A value is required in the prop query parameter when requesting a raw body, such as with update-object-by-id with Content-Type application/octet-stream . |
PV3281 | Analysis backend failed. Contact Piiano if the problem persists. With the default configuration, these errors are sent to Piiano for investigation. |
PV3282 | Exceeded the maximum number of attempts to generate a unique token ID. This can happen when using a format-preserving template and the target field of token IDs is not large enough. For example, a phone number template may randomize several digits in the phone number. However, the resulting values wouldn't provide enough variation for a large number of tokens. |
PostgreSQL specific codes
Vault can return the underlying SQLSTATE
error, which can assist in investigating an error case. The format of these errors is (SQLSTATE XXXXX)
. You can look up 5-digit code in the PostgreSQL error list.
JWT specific error messages
Code | Message | Diagnose |
PV1005 | jwt is probably corrupted or in the wrong format | Is the JWT actually a JWT or a different format like API key? |
PV1005 | jwt is probably signed with the wrong key | Is the IAM configuration up to date? Is the keys or jwks_uri up to date with the expected key pair? Is the JWT signed with the correct key? |
PV1005 | failed to find key with key ID | Is the kid claim of of the JWT matching the keys or jwks_uri configurations in the IAM configuration? |
PV1005 | audience does not match | Is the aud claim of the JWT matching the aud configuration in the IAM configuration? |
PV1005 | issuer does not match | Is the iss claim of the JWT matching the iss configuration in the IAM configuration? |
PV1005 | missing claim | Are all claims required by the bound-claims set in the JWT? |
PV1005 | bound claim does not match | Are the claims in the JWT matching the bound-claims set in the JWT? |