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Built-in transformations

Discover a list of the built-in transformations

Mask transformations

Vault provide these built-in mask transformations:

Data typeMask nameTransformed example
CC_NUMBERmask**** **** **** 9573

Size transformations

Vault provide these built-in size transformations:

Data typeMask nameTransformed example

Token transformations

Vault provides a token transformation for all built-in data types. This transformation retrieves the pci token for the property, if one exists for the default scope.

You create a token for SSN using the CLI like this:

pvault token create --props ssn --type pci --collection customers --object-id 05161167-344d-4229-b3f8-5d44daf6780f

And get a response similar to this:

| token_id |
| c37e7da2-1f87-4693-8002-e50bcc5fd9ef |

You can then access the token of SSN using the token transformation like this:

pvault object get --id 05161167-344d-4229-b3f8-5d44daf6780f --collection customers --props id,ssn.token

And get a response similar to this:

Displaying 1 result.
| id | ssn.token |
| c5f7f35e-b3a0-4857-8a8f-a5c83e87d488 | c37e7da2-1f87-4693-8002-e50bcc5fd9ef |

See Tokenize personal data for more information about tokenization.