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Get collection property


Gets a property of a collection.

The role that performs this operation must have the CapCollectionsReader capability. See Access control for more information about how capabilities are used to control access to operations.


Path parameters

  • collection - string required*

    The name of a collection.

  • property - string required*

    The name of the property.

Possible responses

The request is successful.

object required*
  • creation_time - string

    The time when the property was created, in RFC3339Nano format. Vault sets this value automatically. Sending a value for this field is ignored.

  • modification_time - string

    The time when the property was last modified, in RFC3339 format. Vault sets this value automatically. Sending a value for this field is ignored.

  • description - string

    The description of a model.

  • is_builtin - boolean

    Whether the property is created by Vault (or by the user). Built-in properties cannot be deleted or modified. Sending a value for this field is ignored.

  • is_encrypted - boolean

    Whether the value is stored encrypted.

  • is_index - boolean

    Whether the backend storage is optimized for searches on this property. Cannot be set to true for properties with data types LONG_TEXT, JSON, or BLOB, or custom data types based on those types.

  • is_substring_index - boolean

    Whether the backend storage is optimized for substring searches on this property.

  • is_nullable - boolean

    Whether the value of the property can be removed (set to null).

  • is_readonly - boolean

    Whether the user can modify values of this property. Ignored for user define properties. Sending a value for this field is ignored.

  • is_unique - boolean

    Whether the backend storage enforces unique values for active objects. Cannot be set to true for properties with data types LONG_TEXT, JSON, or BLOB, or custom data types based on those types.

  • name - string required*

    The name of a property.

  • data_type_name - string required*

    The name of a data type.

"description": "Social Security Number",
"name": "ssn",
"data_type_name": "SSN",
"is_unique": true,
"is_index": true,
"is_substring_index": false,
"is_encrypted": true,
"is_nullable": true,
"is_builtin": false,
"is_readonly": false,
"creation_time": "2023-01-25T17:31:40.291033Z",
"modification_time": "2023-01-25T17:31:40.291033Z"

Try the API


Path parameters

Navigate to the docs of your local Vault installation to try the API directly from there.

Code examples
