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Analysis identified PII types

Learn about the PII types identified by the AI technology behind the analysis API and CLI

PIIPII type identifierCountryDescription
AddressADDRESSA physical address, such as "58 Main Street, Anycity, USA" or "Suite #12, Building 123". An address can include street, building, location, city, state, country, county, zip code, precinct, and neighborhood details.
AgeAGEA person's age, including the value and time measure. For example, in the phrase "I am 34 years old," "34 years" is recognized as an age.
AWS Access KeyAWS_ACCESS_KEYA unique identifier associated with a secret access key; you use the access key ID and secret access key to sign programmatic AWS requests cryptographically.
AWS Secret KeyAWS_SECRET_KEYA unique identifier associated with an access key. You use the access key ID and secret access key to sign programmatic AWS requests cryptographically.
Card Verification Value (CVV)CREDIT_DEBIT_CVVFor VISA, MasterCard, and Discover credit and debit cards, a 3-digit number, a 4-digit number for American Express credit or debit cards.
Credit or debit card expiry dateCREDIT_DEBIT_EXPIRYUsually a 4-digit number but can be in a month/year or MM/YY format. Expiration dates, such as 01/21, 01/2021, and Jan 2021, are recognized.
Credit or debit card numberCREDIT_DEBIT_NUMBERA 13 to 16 digit number. Credit or debit card numbers are also recognized when only the last 4 digits are present.
Date and timeDATE_TIMEIncludes decades, such as "the 1980s", years, months, days, days of week, or times of day, including partial dates, date ranges, and date intervals. For example, "May 28, 2025 " or "9 pm".
Driver ID or license numberDRIVER_IDA driver's license number.
EmailEMAILAn email address, such as
International Bank Account Number (IBAN)INTERNATIONAL_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBERSee (Register of countries using the IBAN standard)[] for information on formats in participating countries.
Internet Protocol (IP) addressIP_ADDRESSAn IPv4 address, such as
Vehicle license plateLICENSE_PLATETypically 4 to 8 characters, consisting of upper-case letters and numbers. The format depends on the issuing state or country.
Media Access Control (MAC) addressMAC_ADDRESSA unique identifier assigned to a network interface controller (NIC).
Personal nameNAMEA person's name excluding titles, such as Dr., Mr., Mrs., or Miss. Names that are part of an organization name or an address are not flagged. For example, "James Smith Corporation" is identified as an organization, and "Marie Clair Avenue" as an address.
PasswordPASSWORDAn alphanumeric string that resembles a password, such as "my99login!secret".
Phone numberPHONEA phone, fax, or pager number.
Personal Identification Number (PIN)PINA 4-digit number that could be used to access a bank account.
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) codeSWIFT_CODEA 8- or 11-digit code The 11-digit codes refer to bank branches, and 8-digit codes (or 11-digit codes ending in 'XXX') refer to the head or primary office.
Web addressURLA web address, such as
UsernameUSERNAMEA user name that identifies an account, such as a login name, screen name, nickname, or handle.
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)VEHICLE_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBERCode defined in ISO 3779 with country-specific codes and formats.
Canadian Health Service NumberCA_HEALTH_NUMBERCanadaA 10-digit number.
Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN).CA_SOCIAL_INSURANCE_NUMBERCanada9-digit number formatted as 3 groups of 3 digits, such as 123-456-789. A SIN can be validated using the Luhn algorithm.
Unique Identification Authority of India person number (Aadhaar)IN_AADHAARIndia12-digit number with a space or hyphen after the 4th and 8th digits.
Indian National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) numberIN_NREGAIndia2 letters followed by 14 numbers.
Permanent Account Number (income tax number)IN_PERMANENT_ACCOUNT_NUMBERIndia10-digit alphanumeric number issued by the Income Tax Department.
Voter NumberIN_VOTER_NUMBERIndia3 letters followed by 7 numbers.
National Health Service numberUK_NATIONAL_HEALTH_SERVICE_NUMBERUKA 10-17 digit number, such as 485 777 3456. The current system formats the 10-digit number with spaces after the 3rd and 6th digits. The final digit is an error-detecting checksum. The 17-digit number format has spaces after the 10th and 13th digits.
National Insurance (NI) numberUK_NATIONAL_INSURANCE_NUMBERUKA 9-digit string that starts with 2 letters, followed by 6 numbers and 1 letter. The number can be formatted with a space or a dash after the two letters and after the 2nd, 4th, and 6th digits.
Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR)UK_UNIQUE_TAXPAYER_REFERENCE_NUMBERUKA 10-digit number.
US bank account numberBANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBERUSTypically 10- to 12-digits long. Bank account numbers are also recognized when only the last four digits are present.
US bank account routing number.BANK_ROUTINGUSTypically 9-digits long. Routing numbers are also recognized when only the last four digits are present.
Passport numberPASSPORT_NUMBERUS6 to 9 alphanumeric characters.
Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)US_INDIVIDUAL_TAX_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBERUSA 9-digit number that starts with a "9" and contains a "7" or "8" as the fourth digit. An ITIN can be formatted with a space or a dash after the 3rd and 4th digits.
US Social Security Number (SSN)SSNUSA 9-digit number issued to US citizens, permanent residents, and temporary working residents. SSNs are also recognized when only the last four digits are present.

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