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Update the IAM configuration

Learn how to update the IAM configuration

The identity and access management (IAM) settings in Vault are defined in a file in TOML format. When you wish to make changes to the IAM users, roles, and policies, you modify and save a copy of the IAM configuration file. This guide explains how to get and save the file. Other guides in this section provide information on modifying the content of the file.

Each instance of Vault maintains a cached copy of the IAM in memory. For performance reasons, this cache works so that the IAM is eventually consistent. Where Vault runs in multiple instances, this eventual consistency means that IAM changes are only available on all instances after Vault updates the cache. See the metadata cache page for more information.

To update the IAM configuration you use the REST API Get IAM configuration and Set IAM configuration operations like this:

  1. Get the IAM configuration Use the Get IAM configuration CLI command to get the IAM configuration as a string in the TOML format and store it in a file, like this:

    pvault iam get > iam.toml

    In this example, the saved file is called iam.toml.

  2. Edit the TOML file. Check out the other guides in the section to learn how to implement some common identity and access management use cases.

  3. Apply the updated IAM configuration Apply the updated configuration using the Set IAM configuration CLI command, like this:

    pvault iam apply --conf @iam.toml
  4. Verify that the change has been applied Optionally, read back the updated configuration using the CLI, like this:

    pvault iam get

    and verify that the configuration that is displayed in stdout is the correct, updated configuration.

  • Any changes made to the IAM configuration after step 1 and before step 3 will be overwritten by step 3.

  • The examples provided in this guide use CLI flags to read data from files. This avoids quoting large text segments in the example CLI commands. However, if you’re running the CLI in Docker, you cannot refer to files on the host. You can append the file content to the command in single quotes. For instance, the command:

    pvault object add --collection customers --fields @object.json

    where object.json is the name of a file, can be specified like this:

    pvault object add --collection customers --fields '{
    "email": "",
    "age": 45

    where the string in single quotes is the content of the object.json file.

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