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Run a fully managed instance of Piiano Vault (hosted instance)

Learn how to run a fully managed instance of Piiano Vault and use the SaaS Console.

Piiano SaaS production is available for invited paying customers only. This environment is PCI compliant. For testing and trial of the service, Piiano provides a separate, fully self-service sandbox environment.

To obtain a fully managed sandbox instance of Piiano Vault:

  1. Navigate to: and register if not done so already.
  2. In the SaaS Console, choose the option to spin up a managed instance of Piiano Vault.
  3. For guidance on getting started, head to step 3 of the get started guide when your instance is up and running.
Sandbox limitations
  1. The environment is limited to a single Vault instance.
  2. The environment is only intended for testing purposes. Real customer sensitive data is not recommended and PCI data (primary account numbers) is NOT allowed. Instead, use test data and test credit card numbers such as 4111-1111-1111-1111.

Contact us if you require an extension to the trial or would like to setup a production instance.

Additional resources

Refer to the Vault SaaS SLA for details about the production uptime commitments and service credits. These do not apply to the sandbox environment.